Streaming Your Competition in China

Busoni Competition shown in Movie Theaters in Beijing and Shenzhen
Executive Director of the Schoenfeld Competition and WFIMC Vice President Sisi Ye talks about her project with the Busoni Intl. Piano Competition, and about the importance of a partner organisation in China
WFIMC: How much have the closed borders in China contributed to the great interest in classical music streaming, especially from competitions?
Sisi Ye: It´s not so much the physical borders. The problem for viewers in China is the question whether an online media platform is accessible, but even if it is, different languages and cultural context play a role. Therefore, collaborating with local media and Chinese streaming platforms will help to connect classical musical events happening in the West with the people in China. In fact, it is the same thing for some countries with similar cultural and language differences, such as Japan and Korea. I think we should encourage this kind of collaboration and co-present important important musical highlights cross-culturally.
WFIMC: You have collaborated with the Busoni Competition in 2019, and again this year. Can you give us some numbers to show the kind of exposure you are reaching in China?
SY: We had a total of over 600.000 views on the media platform we worked with in China (Amadeus.TV) for the Busoni Competition in 2019. In 2021, with the help of covid, we counted about 1.1 million views. The increase in the number of views is partially due to the impact of the epidemic (people are getting more used to online events). But for competitions with an international reputation like the Busoni, I think the figures also reflect the audience’s familiarity with the competition, and I think people will follow it even more in the future. You need to see the numbers in a larger context, and that is why the relationship with Chinese media is important.
WFIMC: The finals of the Busoni this year were even shown on big screens in Theatres- what was your idea behind this and how could you realise those shows?
SY: This is another creative part of the “Busoni in China” project. The idea is to reach frequent audiences of movie theatres and provide them with an interesting new choice. Using new technologies particularly now, in the covid era, means that a streamed performance is much more than a pale and boring music video. We offer a special experience (both audio and video) to the viewers, especially in theatres with a high-end AV system. A kind of unique intimacy is created.
Also, the experience of watching a performance together, and not home alone from your living roome, makes a big difference.
WFIMC: Are you streaming the Schoenfeld Competition in a similar manner?
SY: Yes, we will do it. Not only in movie theatres in Mainland China, but also at some movie theatres abroad, probably in Hong Kong and in the United States.
WFIMC: Several major competitions now have partners in China. What would be your advice for newcomers?
SY “Trust”. As the community, which a local media platform serves, has its own focus, the local media will know the focus and common interest of the community. Differences may be subtle, but important. Besides, through the collaboration with an international competition, the local media platform will adopt to a different identity and to different artistic values. It will aim to realise the same artistic vision together with the partner in the west. In order to achieve such a common vision, communication and mutual understanding are very important.