Hamamatsu Moments

Looking back at the General Assembly in Japan
scroll down for our GA video!
The General Assembly in Hamamatsu was what a successfull assembly should be: informative sessions, networking (especially during karaoke sessions…), exchange of best practices, connecting with old friends, making new ones. Under the umbrella of a superb host that provided a fantastic experience for all!
Jacques Marquis
President and CEO, The Cliburn
이번 2023 WFIMC 총회에서 팬데믹 이후 많은 인원의 회원들을 다시 만날 수 있었고, 통영에서 열렸던 2014년 총회 이후 아시아에서 개최되었기 때문에 더욱 뜻깊습니다. 이번 총회를 통해 다시금 우리가 연맹의 회원으로써 함께 나누어야 할 이 시대의 생각, 목표 등을 논의할 수 있었고, 이것들은 실제 업무에서도 많은 부분 도움 될 것 같습니다. 이번 총회를 위해 애써주신 WFIMC, 하마마츠 콩쿠르 관계자분들께 감사의 인사를 드리며, 파르마 총회에서 만나기를 고대합니다.
We were able to meet many members in person again after the pandemic at the WFIMC General Assembly 2023 in Hamamatsu and it is even more meaningful because it is the first time to be held in Asia since the GA 2024 in Tongyeong. We discussed the thoughts and goals of this era that we, as members of the federation, need to share once again, and the GA are expected to be helpful in many aspects of our acting plan and field. Really grateful to the organizers of WFIMC and Hamamatsu International Piano Competition for their efforts and we look forward to meeting at Parma 2024.”
Eunjung Jang
ISANGYUN Competition, Tongyeong
I would like to thank our host Hamamatsu International Piano Competition for its meticulous arrangements, especially the determination and commitment to organize this General Assembly, which made our first GA in Asia after the epidemic very wonderful and valuable, and also a good memory among our members.
Sisi YE
CEO, Schoenfeld International String Competition
WFIMC is a place where people who share the same goal of supporting young musicians around the world can come together. Lots of opportunities for gaining new insights and learning new things!
Yuko Tanno
Sendai International Music Competition
Discussing the most updated topics reflecting the world’s current situation. So much fun over spectacular cuisine outside working hours. Cultures of East and West met, the unforgettable Hamamatsu GA!
Noriko Ogawa
Chairperson, Hamamatsu International Piano Competition
The chance to meet with esteemed colleagues from around the world always sparks ideas and inspires collaboration. The WFIMC congress in Hamamatsu was an illuminating and invigorating exchange and our hosts provided an amazingly generous and warm cultural experience that I'll never forget. It was a privilege to be able to take part.
Fiona Sinclair
CEO, Leeds International Piano Competition
Le Congrès de la FMCIM, c’est une occasion unique de partager des expériences précieuses avec nos compères et enrichir nos connaissances grâce à des présentations variées avec des intervenants de qualité.
The Assembly of the WFIMC is a unique opportunity to share valuable experience with our colleagues and enhance our knowledge through varied presentations with great speakers!
Fabien Girard
Administrateur, Tibor Varga Competition Sion
©WFIMC 2023/FR