Trio Michelangeli

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Paolo Tagliamento, Violin

Alessandra Doninelli, Violoncello

Riccardo Gagliardi, Piano

The Trio Michelangeli was founded in Munich by the violinist Paolo Tagliamento, the cellist Alessandra Doninelli and the pianist Riccardo Gagliardi united not only by friendship but for a deep love for the chamber music repertoire.

Through their education and solo career, the trio boasts members capable of demonstrating not only technique, but also refinement and musicality. Paolo Tagliamento is the only Italian to have won the Rodolfo Lipizer Prize, Riccardo Gagliardi has been awarded prizes in more than 20 international competitions and Alessandra Doninelli has made her debut as a soloist at the Berliner Philharmonie and on some of the world's most renowned stages.
