Trio Incendio

Nationality Czech Republic

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Karolína Františová (piano), Filip Zaykov (violin) and Vilém Petrashas (cello)

Trio Incendio formed in Prague in 2016 and is currently studying at the decentralized European Chamber Music Academy, a major talent incubator for young European chamber musicians. The trio already enjoyed a number of successes at international music competitions, including the Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award in Lugano, the Coop Music Awards in Cremona, the Concorso Musicale Marcello Pontillo in Florence, the Kiejstut Bacewicz Competition in Lodz, and the Bohuslav Martinů Competition in Prague. Trio Incendio has performed in some of the most important European concert halls such as the Berlin Philharmonie, Wigmore Hall in London and the Rudolfinum in Prague. It has also been invited to festivals such as Ticino Musica and Prague Spring, as well as in Davos.
