Dortmund - International Schubert Competition Dortmund

The International Schubert-Competition Dortmund was established in 1987 and has been held since then at the heart of the Ruhr. The competition has two categories: Piano and LiedDuo and has set itself the task of supporting young international top class artists in the start of their career as well as introducing Schuberts world of ideas to the compition participants and the audience in a way you will never find again in the world.

Prizes are awarded to international candidates in the categories of Piano and LiedDuo. It is aimed at young and talented musicians of the very highest professional standard and is designed to help them as they enter their chosen profession. Thanks to its programming the Schubert Competition provides a unique opportunity to introduce participants and the audience to Franz Schubert’s world of ideas.

Therefore the competition is a big Schubert-Musicfestival for all participants and the audience which is unique of its kind. Not only in Dortmund but also in the whole Ruhr District which is strongly influenced by the mining industry and around in Westphalia the competition organizes events and concerts – like the International Schubert-Fest Dortmund at the Kokerei Hansa in Dortmund, which was launched for the first time in 2017.

In addition to the regional identification idea, the focus is also on unusual concert venues, which reflect the particular mining history of this region. For example concerts are planned in former pit sites, wash chews or underground venues as well as in other unusual venues in South Westphalia.

This enables us to strengthen a world-class cultural event in the Ruhr District, make it accessible for the public and make the Ruhr District even better known as a cultural region all over the world.


Competition 2025/ Piano


Competition 2025/ Piano

Competition 2025 / Piano

Application Deadline:  November 17, 2024
Discipline: Piano
Age Limit: Open for all pianists born after March 22, 1991. 


Competition from March 22 – 30, 2025 in Dortmund: 
March 22, 2025 – Arrival & Registration
March 23 & 24, 2025 – 1st Round | Orchesterzentrum NRW
March, 25 & 26, 2025 – 2nd Round | Orchesterzentrum NRW
March 27, 2025 – 3rd Round | Orchesterzentrum NRW
March 28, 2025 – Rehearsal Day Orchestra Final
March 29, 2025 – Orchestera Final with the Dortmunder Philharmoniker in the Konzerthaus Dortmund
March 30, 2025 – Matinée of the Laureates | Kokerei Hansa, Dortmund


Ian Fountain (chairman), UK
Ingeborg Danz, Germany
Julius Drake, UK
Kevin Kenner, USA
Mi-Joo Lee, South Korea/Germany
Pietro de Maria, Italy
Marianna Shirinyan, Armenia


More Information:


Internationaler Schubert-Wettbewerb Dortmund e.V.
Michael Vornhusen
Talweg 16
44309 Dortmund

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Takashi Yasunami, 1st Prize

Takashi Yasunami, 1st Prize

Takashi Yasunami, Jonas Stark, Lukas Sternath

Takashi Yasunami, Jonas Stark, Lukas Sternath